The Concept of Facebook Marketing, Objective in Facebook Ads (Complete Tutorial)

The Concept of Facebook Marketing, Objective in Facebook Ads (Complete Tutorial)

Hello everyone and once again welcome to WSQTECH ENGLISH CHANNEL Myself Umar Tasqeer Guys, in this particular video we are basically going to talk about the Facebook Business Account, Facebook Individual Ad Account that is what we called as Facebook Personal Ad Account and other assets or we can say other things which are basically related to Facebook Advertising Ecosystem So few things which are basically associated with Facebook Advertising Ecosystem are like You should have a Facebook Ads Account Right, as you can see on my laptop screen without Facebook Ads Account you cannot actually create ad right and then the other thing which is mandatory is basically your Facebook page So without Facebook page also you cannot run ads So if you have these two things you can run your Facebook Ads So when we talk about running Facebook Ads Right, using Facebook we have two methods through which we can actually create our Facebook Ads Account Right, as I told you whenever we talk about Facebook Ads Account We have two kind of Facebook Ads Account One is Personal Facebook Ads Account Right, Personal Facebook Ads Account and this one is not your Personal Facebook Ads Account Right, so you have two Facebook Ads Account and then you also have your Business Manager Facebook Business Manager So if you are serious about running Facebook Ads I will always recommend you to go with Business Manager Always create your Facebook Accounts within the Business Manager Always keep your all those business assets with regards to Facebook Like your Facebook page, the users and everything within your Business Manager only So when we talk about the basic definition of Business Manager which is like it is a collection of Let me write over here It is a collection of different Facebook Ads Account It is a collection of different pages So you have different users within your Facebook Business Manager and these users have different access, different privileges So when we talk about the Facebook Business Manager It is basically a collection of different Facebook Ads Account So multiple Ads Account can come under a single Business Manager and different business pages or different Facebook pages can also come under the Business Manager So Business Manager basically constitutes the different assets which represents a business on Facebook So we can understand it like suppose WS Cube Tech WS Cube Tech is a business So we have a Business Manager by the name of WS Cube Tech Business Manager and within this Business Manager we have like two Ad Accounts through which we are running different Ads and within this Business Manager we are having different pages Maybe these pages are divided on the basis of cities So if WS Cube Tech is operating in like five cities Let’s take an example if WS Cube Tech has branches in five other cities also and our pages are like WS Cube Tech Delhi This can’t happen, right? This can’t happen, it is very normal and then we have another page which is like WS Cube Tech Ahmedabad and then we have another page which is like WS Cube Tech and let’s write Mumbai over here and we have another page because we have our branches in four different cities Lucknow and then we can write over here WS Cube Tech Calcutta So why we are writing this thing? Because we know that now we are having five different pages So all these pages which are basically related to a single business will come under a Business Manager So what we can say is Business Manager is a collection of different pages which are of same business Along with this it is a collection of different ad accounts and along with this it is also a collection of or we can say that Business Manager also holds the information regarding the users, right? Suppose you are running five pages and we have a team with us and our Delhi page is managed by someone like Amit, right? and our Ahmedabad page is managed by someone like Sunil, right? and then we have our Mumbai page then our Mumbai page is managed by a candidate A or B or C, right? So whenever you are into your Business Manager now all your assets are together and you can assign different roles to users, right? So you will be seeing a list of users over there which are having actually different different accesses with regards to different assets which are So this is how it actually works now to make you understand once again whenever we talk about ad accounts over Facebook we have two options over here One is like personal ad account I will never recommend you to go with the personal ad account, right? So this one is the personal ad account and then we have like our business ad account and then we have also our Business Manager, right? So Business Manager, what Business Manager carries? Business Manager holds different ad accounts Business Manager can hold different users Business Manager can hold different pages Business Manager can also hold different pixels Business Manager can also hold a catalog So these are the different things that a Business Manager actually holds, right? So it is basically a collection of all these things So if we click on this big plus button and if we go to this ad which is showing over here and let me open the previous Google Ads Manager Now this is this is how the old Ads Manager looks like and the account that you are seeing over here, right? This is the Facebook Ads account the account that you are seeing over here is basically the personal account, right? So one personal account is there with each and every profile So if you have a Facebook profile, it is very obvious that you will have a personal ad account also, right? It is very obvious So this ad account is basically the personal ad account, right? And let me tell you about the Business Manager So if you want to create a Business Manager what you have to do is you just simply have to go to and you have to click on this enter, right? Because right now I am having access of different Business Managers over here that is why I am able to see different businesses different Business Managers over here and if I go to anyone like this one this one is basically a Business Manager and what I told you a Business Manager is basically a collection of different ad accounts and along with that it’s a collection of different pages and different other assets also, right? So if we go to the settings section I am not telling you anything over here on this particular dashboard but if we go to this settings section over here and here you can see this we have all these options over here we have users option over here we have accounts option over here we have different data sources option over here, right? and if we go to accounts and if we go to ad accounts, right? you can see over here whatever the ad accounts we are having we will be seeing those ad accounts over here, right? So we are having three ad accounts within this Business Manager So this Business Manager has three ad accounts and if we want to access anyone, right? any ads account what we can do is simply we can click on this open in ads manager over here and now we can actually access this ads account which is here, right? which is there in our Business Manager So ad accounts can exist individually or ad accounts can exist within the Business Manager also, right? So we have three ads account over here and we also have the list of the users who has access to these ad accounts, right? So if we come over here now this is the proper ad account that we have and this one and the earlier one which we were seeing was the personal ad account So I will always recommend you to create a new ad account within Business Manager and then run ads from there or what you can do is if you have already existing ads account then you can basically bring that account into your Business Manager So you have the power of creating new ads account within the Business Manager or you can take the access of any other account like if you want to take the access of your client then also you can take the access of your client and put it into or if you want to take the access of your client you can do that thing also, right? So what I will recommend you always run your ads from your professional ads account do not use your personal ad account and use that ad account into your Business Manager then this is the right way of doing things, right? No need to worry much about this interface because in upcoming videos we will be discussing more about the interface and everything So you can see we have the pages option over here as soon as we are migrating to pages we have different pages over here, right? The pages which are given access within this Business Manager, right? So a Business Manager again again talking about the basic definition of Business Manager again it’s a collection of different pages it’s a collection of users or it shows the information of the users which are basically associated with different assets within that Business Manager, right? So if we talk about the powers of Business Manager what we can do is basically suppose if we have a page over here and we want to give the access of this page to anyone of our intern to work on this, right? Then what we can do is basically we can click on this page we can add people over here and then we can select the person whom we want to give the access So if we want to give the access of any page to anyone we can select the name from over here then we can also associate the level of access that we want to give, right? So this is how it actually works and this is how you can provide access of different pages to different people, right? So whatever is your requirement can be basically scattered over here if you want to give access of your ad accounts to different people the same way you can also provide the access of your ad account also So if you are a new one and you want to create your Business Manager that too you can do you just have to simply go to and just because we have created one I will not be able to show you how you can create your business but if you are new one and you do not have much businesses in your ad account what you can do is basically you can simply click over here on the create business and it will ask you very basic information then you can create your Business Manager, right? Coming back to our 360 Digital Gyan Business Manager if we go back to the settings over here and let’s see how can we actually add more ad accounts and everything so if we go to add account we have the option over here of adding, right? add an ad account we can add an ad account we can create a new ad account or we can also request an access to an ad account now we have all these three things over here adding a new account means that if you already have access of an ad account and you want to bring that ad account into this Business Manager that you can do you can request access of an ad account and you can also create a new ad account, right? so we can simply click over here if we want to create new ad account we can name it right and we can create a new ad account this is what Facebook Business Manager actually does for us, right? so coming back to our this thing when we talk about the different ad accounts within the Facebook we have personal ad account we have business ad account which can exist outside Business Manager so this is the basic theory behind your Business Manager and your personal ad account and your business manager and the different ad account which are there within the Business Manager so that’s it for this specific video see you in the next video till then good bye Hey!

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