Types of Facebook users-English

Types of Facebook users-English

Hi friends, I am Niharika and welcome back to a new lesson. Today we are gonna look at types of Facebook users. Now I was running pretty late this morning for work and the reason was, I was busy Facebooking.

So Facebooking, is that a word in English? Well English language is not stagnant. Well it’s constantly adapting to the new phenomena in the world, right? So the word Facebooking does have a meaning. Well it’s an internet jargon that is used for the people who spend their time on the networking site that is called Facebook.

So if you are on Facebook, if you are using the internet social networking site, then you can say, I am Facebooking, okay? Now of course in this lesson we are gonna look at some types of Facebook users because we live in the world of Facebook and most of us are on Facebook. So let’s have a look at the first one over here. We have the stalker.

Now who is a stalker? Now the real meaning of stalker is someone who pursues, constantly harasses some other person, maybe a former lover or also famous personalities. So the person who does that is called as a stalker. But then why do I write the stalker as a Facebook user? Because there are many set of people who do stalk on Facebook.

They just can’t let go of their ex lovers or they try to get into people’s profile and check out their friends. So if they find someone really hot, someone who has put up a picture and the girl looks really pretty, they would immediately click on her profile and send a message and constantly keep doing that until and unless she doesn’t accept the Facebook friend request. So these kind of people are called stalkers, okay? The second one that I have for you is the newbie.

Now who is a newbie? Newbie is a person who has just recently started a new activity. So someone who has started participating in a new activity is called a newbie. So of course there are many people who log in to or who sign up for Facebook accounts and who are newly signed up, they are called as newbies and they are really excited about that.

So what they do is constantly keep liking and commenting everything that they see on Facebook. All they do is like, comment, like, comment. So that’s their job.

So that’s why we call them as the newbies. So they click, click and click until their mouse breaks. Well, just kidding.

So these kind of people are called as the newbie users. Then the third one that I have for you here is the oversharer. Now oversharer means someone who discloses anything and everything.

Someone who keeps posting their status about what they are doing, what they are gonna do, what happened during the day, everything is on Facebook. I read couple of status, someone wrote that, in the toilet, pooping, out of toilet paper. Okay, we really don’t wanna know that.

So this kind of a person is called as the oversharer user. Or someone saying, broke up with my girlfriend because she cheated on me, that’s also oversharing. So these kind of people are called as oversharers.

Another one that I have for you here is the gamer. Now many people just can’t let their habit of playing farmville or playing candy crush go. So these people are called the gamers.

They are only on Facebook to play farmville and candy crush or many other games. So a gamer is someone who is actively participating in these interactive video games or different kind of games. So the most common ones are candy crush and the farmville.

So you would see that many people send you requests, the candy crush request or the farmville request. So these kind of users on Facebook are called as gamers. And I read somewhere that there are about 50 million people who pay for their games to go on Facebook.

So basically paying to play farmville or other such games. So these are called as the gamers. Another one that I have for you is the brand promoter.

Who is the brand promoter? Who loves their job and their company and constantly advertising about their company. All they do is post their status about what and how their job is. The company won an award, the company is participating in a football game and it’s all about their job and their company.

They are too much in love with their jobs. So they are called as the brand promoters. Next one that I have for you is the non-user.

So who is a non-user on Facebook? Someone who has just maybe registered on Facebook and now thinks that it’s a big headache to even log in and use it actively. So the people who are non-active on Facebook are called as non-users. Like my dad.

My dad is on Facebook. He did go through that pain of registering himself on Facebook. But now he really can’t take the pain of logging in and actively using his profile.

So he is definitely considered as a non-user. He would love this. He would totally like it.

And then the last one that I have for you over here is the lurker. Now who is the lurker? Well lurker is someone who is very much on Facebook, who is registered on Facebook, who also observes everything that’s going on. He will look at people’s picture and he or she would also look at what’s being posted on Facebook.

They constantly do have an idea that what’s going on in everybody’s world. But would never comment or like. Just be an observant but will not actively participate.

So these kind of people are called as the lurkers. So they are the lurker users of Facebook. So definitely these users would do portray the kind of personality you are.

So the next time you are talking about Facebook or the kind of people who are on Facebook or who use Facebook, you can use these words. So I hope this lesson is helpful to you and I’ll be back with a new lesson, so then take care. Bye.

Love To Share Knowledge.


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